THIS WILL SURELY BE THE END!!! Pray, folks! PRAY!!! Pray that Houston voters today keep men out of ladies restrooms. Pray HARD!!! It’ll be the END OF TIMES if this thing passes! From Houston it’ll spread like wildfire! Devouring all of us! Shown above outside a polling site, a man urges people to vote against the so-called Houston Equal Rights Ordinance in early voting Oct. 21. ( Photo by Pat Sullivan / AP) –from buzzfeed.com/
By Dan Bodine
HOUSTON — If what’s going down in Houston today officially gets on the books…Men, we’ve spent our manhood! Throw in the dice! The whole ball of wax! The hell with the towel! Games over! Neutering time has arrived! Prepare yourself for THE END!
OMG!!! Has is come to THIS!!! Continue reading