Tied To Whites Supremacists, Is It End for GOP?

America’s 1952 Presidential Election: “Conservatism is / As Conservatism was”

By Dan Bodine

Remember well growing up in the Segregated South (Texas, aka ‘nother Buckle on Bible Belt) in the ’50s in Cleburne. Fear of a Yankee plot in the air:  ‘Em Blacks (polite word) multiplying like rabbits! Hell, soon they’ll overtake us! We gotta do sumpthin’!

Duh…Jethro, ‘ya may be too late to stop whatever it was that happened then! Census counts don’t lie, though, now. But if’n you want to act like a cultural idiot and git up on ‘ya high horse, think like a white supremacist, get outta my head! You’re in a New Reality! Latinos showing up like the newest cool! Continue reading

Whiteness, Straw Man, and How Electrons Move


There’s often a “straw man” argument behind someone’s political opposition.

        By Dan Bodine

Hee, hee! Ain’t got a bone to pick but sure got a yarn to tell! A compassionate African American assuaged my bruised ego in the Navy once when I allowed myself to feel like the dumbest kernel of corn on the cobb! So, with migrants and minorities both now under fire, you can mix your races, yes — but you can’t segregate human lightbulbs! We all shine some! Savvy?

Me, coming up with this?  Yeah, me! Even an ol’ slow country boy from Texas has learnt a thing or two about Life. Hang on; don’t go to sleep. This is really against using straw men, or the Boogeyman, in politics! Continue reading

Salmons “Lost Cause” Has a Sequel?


Earlier ends of salmon runs in this Northwest U.S.A. area, due to decades of dam constructions, have shut down most of the fisheries here. Meaning a loss of thousands of jobs and the rich culture that transcended it, too. With the planned removal of the deteriorating dams now, decades later, is there a chance the salmons will return? Bringing back that Life?  (Current Map Image from Wild River Fishing)


By Dan Bodine

Yeah, it was one of those “moments you’ll never forget!” A “grown man cryin’ in his beer!” His name was Darrell. A salesman of some sort. And an obvious recent transplant to hot, ugly Texas. During the Sunbelt Era.

He was sitting on the barstool on my left at what was then the dearly revered Flagon Lounge, just off I.H. 35 in Central Texas. Heaving heavy sobs. Continue reading

African-Americans, Whites and Empire’s Big Lie

Emmett Till, 14, was lynched by a mob in 1955, falsely accused of ‘touching‘ a white woman’s arm. Today he and his mom’s Chicago home is a designated landmark home. (Images courtesy)

Longtime California Atty. Doug Emhoff says he’s basking in his interracial role as the nation’s first Second Gentleman. His wife, Kamala Harris, is the first woman and the first African-American to be elected as U.S. Vice President! (Image link)


By Dan Bodine

Yeah, I’m soapy at fortune-telling, which this piece gets into! I’m a political junkie — e.g., always sensing for the next cusp! This one’s been a while in coming, yes!

But you have to be a little blind not to see a cultural reckoning happening among us now. For example: Continue reading