‘Trumped-Up’ Prosperity is GOP’s game plan

Economic Plan 101 — I got mine; you get yours!

By Dan Bodine

Dear Readers, it’s taken a while to grasp the GOP’s game plan, but here it is I think, staring us in the face — swept upon us by revolutions, no less! Past as well as ongoing ones. It seems the worst President Trump gets, morally, far-right Christians in Republican Party still swear he’s the best thing since popcorn! This is actually diversion politics! So, first, let’s call any short-term gains in his economy a Trumped-Up Prosperity! Continue reading

Pope’s new devil idol vs a rich water “thief”

An exuberant elderly woman greets the Pope Sunday, July 12, in the Banado Norte neighborhood in Asuncion, Paraguay.   (Gregoria Borgia / Pool - AP photo)

An exuberant elderly woman greets the Pope Sunday, July 12, in the Banado Norte neighborhood in Asuncion, Paraguay. The Pope was in the Americas criticizing radical capitalists and the newest worship-of-money idolatry that’s come down upon the backs of the poor, he claims.                (Gregoria Borgia / Pool – AP photo)


By Dan Bodine


The world’s getting crazy and crazier, no?! Could it be we’re going back to Square One? Finally? Or are we in for a revolution from the right first? An armed revolution?

Pope Francis, while touring South America now, is on a climate change and environmental roll — decrying adverse effects of unbridled capitalism and what this newest false-worship-of-money practice, another idolatry, has meant on the poor, and the world’s environment! Continue reading