The Scene: This is our garden, looking from behind our bedroom window toward the rear of the yard. Note the position of the lamp (in orange rectangle); and the ribbed bottom of an old pond tub to the right. The shaded white area beside it is what sure appeared to be an oval object with glowing lights. A UFO? Not a drone! The little planes don’t glow! The hole referred to in the story is just beneath the center tree framed in a yellow rectangle. That’s where I’m hoping to build my turtle pond some day. (DB photo)
By Dan Bodine
EL PASO—Yeah, people do crazy things. I’ve done plenty. I’ll do plenty more. But I don’t think I’ll ever attempt a citizen’s arrest of an Unauthorized UFO landing in my backyard again. Too dangerous for an old coot! A little bit of rain in the desert does some strange things to people, yes. This is one of them.
Much of El Paso saw rain or thunderstorms Sunday night. I didn’t exactly sleep thru it, but… Sometime about 2:30 a. m. Monday, I awoke. Alert! How come? Continue reading →
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